Here’s the thing: I do actually like both Superman and Batman. I’m not one of those fans that plot ways in which one would be able to beat another (because I’m that fan that questions why these two heroes, let alone friends are fighting in the first place). But often this argument is initiated by the claim that Batman is more relatable to fans than
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I realized after I posted the last list that in my OCDness, I wish I'd included the cover art to some of these comics. And so I did. But then the formatting I had in Word wouldn't transfer to I made a PDF of the complete list. The original lists stops at 15, but I expanded one of the recs so that it now covers 16-18, and added 2 or 3
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Still working my way through the recs list (and my box of comics to give you this recs list). There are still comics I'm re-reading before I give the verdict and recommend them, and that's mostly because I remember certain books being overrated by fanboys in general, or maybe I just feel differently about them now than I did then. Or maybe I just
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Several of my Twitter/LJ friends have asked me to give them a recs list of Superman comics, bonus if they have great Clark/Lois interactions. I started making this list and writing why I love them in particular, but then the list went on and on and I haven't even gotten to my Superman/Batman recs. So this will be a series of recs, bear with me.
Title: Society (The Blur Series #11) Date Completed: September 1, 2010 Media: Pencil Fandom: Smallville Character: Dr. Fate Spoilers: None Series: The Blur
Oliver was the next up on my non-Clois character covers.
Title: Featuring Green Arrow Date Completed: June 30, 2010 Media: Pencil/Photoshop Character(s): Oliver Queen/Green Arrow Series: The Blur (Season 9 covers)